Professional Development
Professional development opportunities can no longer be an optional perk or reserved for only certain positions. It is expected by today’s talent – and demanded by managers who want new hires to hit the ground running. That’s why we’re teaming up with Sharp Development Partners (SDP) to offer the industry’s first comprehensive training and onboarding solution.
With our recruiting, training, and onboarding services, we will find your unicorn – and train them. We’ll recruit the right person for the position, and if that means providing training in particular areas, we’ve got it covered.
And we’ll save you money while doing it.
Pay Commensurate Salaries
Many employers posting “entry-level” jobs are really looking for 2-3 years’ of experience because they don‘t want to take the time to train truly entry level talent. But with more experience comes higher salaries. With innovative professional development solutions like this, immediate and effective training allows you to hire entry level talent and pay an entry-level salary.
Increase Productivity and Decrease Losses
During the first month, after training is completed, new employees are functioning at about 25% productivity, which means that the cost of lost productivity is 75% of the employee’s salary. It isn’t until the five-month mark that an employee reaches the “break-even point” where they’re operating at 100% productivity. With PR Talent + SDP, hires operate around 75% productivity almost immediately
Minimize Onboarding Costs
New hires need time to learn their new role, which can take several months, and during this time, other employees need to take time away from their work to train them. These online trainings allow current employees to focus on billable work and most importantly, servicing clients.
Decrease Turnover and Replacement Costs
Replacement costs can be as high as 50-60% of the employee’s salary. Turnover is expensive because organizations pay direct and indirect exit costs to recruit and onboard new hires. Leveraging the combined expertise of PR Talent and SDP, we’ll recruit the right person for the role and set them up for success from the beginning, leading to less turnover and higher retention.
Let's Get Started!
PR Talent’s clients and candidates will receive special pricing on all services. Sign up below and enter code “PRTALENT10” at checkout for 10% off every purchase.