Addressing Staffing Challenges During COVID-19

The impacts of COVID-19 on the public relations industry are wide-ranging and fast-moving.  Companies and agencies are working remotely, clients are shifting priorities, and management is operating in new and foreign territories.


Well, not entirely foreign territory.  For those who went through the dot-com downturn, 9/11 and the 2009 recession, this has a familiar refrain.  During those times, PR Talent partnered with clients to help navigate talent issues, developing practical short-term solutions with an eye toward longer term outcomes.  We also were there for our candidates, providing market insights and guidance.


In the midst of those crises, some clients pushed forward to make critical hires while others paused their hiring, but continued to interview talent, positioning themselves to move quickly when the crisis was over.  Hiring freelance support was another key strategy that allowed firms to navigate the immediate crisis, including assembling cost-effective teams of contractors to execute ongoing campaigns.   


We’re here for those discussions but we’re also here to talk to clients and candidates about whatever is on your mind and to share some learnings from our 22-year history, helping you weather a wide range of industry challenges and emerge successfully on the other side, positioned to succeed. 


You can reach out to our individual Managing Directors by region or myself at .


Be safe, smart and prepared.


ps:  We are also doing pro bono work related to this crisis, helping anxious college students find internships.  Please email me if you have open internships and we will let some outstanding young talent know about it.