Case Studies

As recruiters, there are certain processes that we can follow for most assignments, however every search also has unique challenges. That's why you hire us. These case studies are just some examples of the awesome sauce that we add to meet those challenges and make a search successful for you.

SUPER DELUXE – Turner’s Online Studio


Tasked with finding their first head of PR, Turner asked PR Talent to find someone who could drive eyeballs to edgy, multi-platform content being developed by its online studio, Super Deluxe. The role required a creative digital thinker but also someone with strong entertainment media contacts and storytelling experience to drive the corporate profile.


Identifying top digital talent – not traditional entertainment publicists — was the strategic focus of the search. PR Talent quickly homed in on candidates from mass media who were experienced in effectively leveraging multi-platform campaigns to get the most buzz for their content. A Senior Digital Editor from the LA Times with storytelling chops and strategic digital insights rose to the top and became the first head of PR for Super Deluxe.